Cisco most Frequently Asked interview question in various interview
Reverse a string in C using as little additional memory
as possible.
Setting, Clearing and Toggling a single bit in a
Difference between macro and inline functions ?
Find nth node from last in single linked list
How will you implement macro sizeof
How will you organize 1 lakh numbers??
Difference between little endian and big endian,write a
code that tells you machine is little or big endian ??
What is NAT ??
What things will you keep in mind while writing a high
level design ??
10. How
will you allocate a memory to 2d integer array ??
11. What
is alignment ??
12. How
will you align an allocated pointer ??
13. Write
a code for reversing a linked list, recursive and non-recursive.
14. How
to find whether a machine is 32bit or 64 bit? Write code for this..??
15. What
is Y shape linked list.. ??
16. How
will you implement a linked list library using void pointers? Write the
complete code
17. Sorted
array is given, find 2 nos whose sum equals X ??
18. Complement
the odd bits in a byte
19. How
does traceroute works
20. What
are the different means of IPC in linux kernel
21. What
is difference between process and threads
22. What
is difference between const char *, char const * etc...
23. Write
a code to merge two sorted linked lists
24. If
ttl is set to 15 and we have 10 machines, and each machine takes 2 seconds to
process the packet, will the packet reach the end point?
25. Single
linked list questions
26. Given
a pointer to node in linked list, no start pointer is given,
27. how
would you delete the node ??
28. To
detect a loop in linked list? How many ways can you do that
29. Find
the middle node in the linked list
30. In
binary search tree parent pointer is given, given is pointer to 2 nodes, find
their least common successor. If we go up the tree its a Y shape linked list
question, not a tree question.
31. What
is 1 and 2's complement
32. How
is -1 stored in computer
33. What
is masking?
34. What
is IP fragmentation? How will you assemble and identify packets which are
35. What
are storage classes in C
36. What
are volatile variables, when to use them
37. How
will you make blocking call in C
38. What
does FD_ISSET do
39. How
will you send a RAW IP packet
40. How
will you send a RAW MAC packet
41. When
PF_PACKET is used
42. What
is difference between hub and bridge
43. Can
gdb be used to debug inline functions? How
44. What
are ICMP redirects?
45. What
is active and passive ftp? Which ftp will work when we are behind a NAT machine
(compression fails behind a NAT machine and we have a separate function to
bypass such packets, nat_adm_ctrl)
46. What
is port forwarding
47. When
to use SNAT and DNAT
48. What
happens when we open a web page in terms of packet and OSI flow