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Ciena Interview Process & Question |
Few week back my Friend had interview in Ciena.
Allow me to share his experience and Interview process for exp person.
Generally Ciena take three technical round and one HR round,The below question may be depend upon panel to panel and as per technology.
First Round
This Round covered mostly c, DS, OS, and some networking basic Questions.
1. Introduce yourself.
2. what will be the output.
char *p = "ciena"
char ar[] = "ciena"
strlen (ar);
strlen (&ar);
3. write your own strlen() program.
4. How to find the nth node from last in single linklist.
5. Allocate the memory for 2 int*. and free it. Now i had question
... How free will know how many byte memory has to free.
6. what will be the output of the below line.
int x = 100;
is there any abnormality in the above line.
20. can we create thread like, is there any difference in A and B
A) B)
thread process
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thread thread
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Thread thread
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Second Round
1. Introduce yourself.
2. write a program <in such a way which can be run without any warning or error > to find whether linklist is circular or not.
3. what is difference in sourceport and inport in ACL rule.
4. Packet flow in broadcom.
5. write a program to set any bit of number. also write program to check whether any particular bit is set or not.
6. How may slices in each CAP, and how many entry can be in each CAP.
7. What is vlan cross connect.
8. What we can in egress which we can't do in VCAP/ICAP.
9. Is it required to set the qset, without setting it can we not create group.
10. Crete a entry in Braodcom, with below qualifiers,
Dest mac,
ethernet Type,
source port,
11. How will you protract a Global variable.
12. write the prototype of function to create a thread.Why we pass NULL.
13. write program to protract the global variable.
14. How semaphore differ from mutex.
15. What is IPC, is shared memory is ipc, can u write the prgram, using shared memory.
Third Round
1. Introduce yourself.
2. Write a program to merge the two linklist in sorted manner.
3. what is socket, can you write a program.
4. what is pthread, mutex and semaphore. can you write program.
5. what is the IPC.
6. what mechanise used for related and unrelated process.
7. How can thread communicated.
8. Do you see any difference in the below.
char *p = "ciena"
Fourth Round
It was last round,And suppose that it will only formality, so I was not excepting any technicl question, but in this round he give me marker
and ask me to explain the below question on board.
1. Draw the flow digram for upstream and downsteam in your project.
2. memory layout in C.
3. what does volatile keyword do. write a program using it.
4. do you know malloc, what does malloc return, why void.
5. write a declaration of array of pointer, pointer to an array.
6. write a prototype of function having argument as array of pointer, returning pointer of int type.
7. Allocate memory for 2-D array.
8. Why you want to join us.
9. Do you know pragma,what is it, how may types of it.
10. Through out your carrier, do u face any issue personal/technical etc.if so how you come over it.
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Ciena Interview Process |
HR Round
1. Introduce yourself.
2. Why you want to join ciena.
3. How is you carrier in your present company.
4. Do you feel anything, which need to be change/improve in your present company.
And there was many more question in this round, it may vary from person to person.
Kindly refer it, We hope it will help you to focus on the particular area.
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