Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Ola Interview Questions (Telephonic Round)

We Heartily Thanks to one of our visitor (Ambrish) for sharing his Telephonic interview exp with ""
It was ~2hrs, Interviewer exceptions was in detail with example.
Profile: C++ developer.

Telephonic Round (OLA)

1) What is pragma, The questions was if multiple .h is included, how you can handle it
2) How can we use one .h file on different dll <Dynamic link library>
3) What are the compiler steps, In details.
4) What design pattern you used on FOTA
5) How dynamic linking and static linking happen on compiler, exception was in detail.
6) Design trace class and How do you include on different dll
8) How to handle when destract is failing.
9) How compiler handle perfix and postfix, operator overloading. which is better to use
10) What is different between resize and reserved.
11) What is smart pointer, and its use.
12) What is stl function, resize or revised
13) stl design and stl call for stack operation

Wish you <Ambrish> all the best for next, F-2-F round.

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