
Kindly find the Global Edge first round Interview exp and questions.

1.       Tell me about yourself?
2.       What is the mandatory header in INVITE message?
3.       What is the use of via header?
4.       Where the branch parameter is used and what is the use of the same?
5.       What is the use of record route header and route header?
6.       Content-length is required in UDP transport? If ye/ not then why?
7.       How will you put the call on hold?
8.       Tell me about memory layout in C?
9.       What is the difference between constant pointer and pointer to a constant?
10.   What is string constant s?
If char  ptr[]=”help”;
Can we do ptr[2]=’a’; ?
If Char  *ptr=”help”;
Can we do ptr=”ABC”; ?
11.   How will you allocate memory for 2D array?
12.   What is the difference between mutex and semaphore?
13.   How will you create thread and a simple program for the same?
14.   Then got the response from interviewer, like Nice talking to you, HR will get back to you?

We heartily thanks to Piyush for sharing his experience with Q-4-Interview.Stay with us for second round Interview questions.

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