Thursday, March 12, 2015

Brocade Interview Questions

Kindly find below the Brocade Interview process/questions recently held for 0-3 year exp level.

There were totally three round including written test.

Written Test

There were 40 questions covering the aptitude <20> and c programing question including data structure <20>.

Aptitude Question (20 questions)

1.       Simple interest/compound interest. (2)
2.       Profit/loss (2)
3.       Age (1)
4.       Train (2)
a.       Two train running in same direction (1)
b.      Train cross the platform (1)
5.       One question from necessary and sufficient condition.(2)
6.       Men and work (2)
7.       Pipe and tank (1)
8.       Stream and boat (1)
9.        Reasoning question (3) <easy only>
10.   Time and distance (2)
Not able to recall other questions, but mostly questions were direct and easy.  


1.       Str = %s”;
2.       Str = “green\0\Rules\0”;

3.       # sends messages to preprocessors
a)      True
b)      False

4.       Range of double 1.7e-3.8 to 1.7 e3.8 (16 bit platforms)
a)      True
b)      False

5.       Int *a = malloc (256* 256*) (on 16 bit )
If (a= NULL)
Printf(“allocation failed”);

6.       Printf(“green”,”rules\n”);

7.       Enum error (exception, error,fail);
Error str1, str3, str2;
Printf(“%d %d %d “, str1, str2, str3);
8.       Type def enum error (exception, error ,fail) err;
What is err here?

9.       Int *p = NULL;
       Int *p = 0;
Both are different?
a)      True
b)      False

10.   Int (*p) ();
Mean of this declaration.

11.   Int a = 10;
Int *const p = & a;
*p =10;
Any error in it.if no than value of a is?

12.   Int a = 10;
Int *p = &a
Int *const q = p;
Any error in it.if no than value of a is?

 Remaining question I am missing here.


1.       Introduce yourself.

2.       Then there were questions from projects.
3.       Write a program to find the merging point of 2 linklist.
Linklist 1 --------------|
·         ---- Merging point ---------------------
Linklist 2 --------------|
4.       Explain the disjekstra algorithm, How you can implement the dynamic program here.
5.       Fibonacci series bist way (recursive or looping, explain with reason)
6.       Then some question from MPLS (what is it , how label etc)
7.       Difference between MPLS and IP protocols like ospf rip bgp etc.
8.       IP layer protocol are which layer protocol.
9.       BFS and DFS traversal.
10.   Complexity of bubble sort & which sorting technique will choose to sort list of data (bubble sort, quick sort & merging sort). & why
11.   Complexity of insertion of an element in binary search tree.
12.   Then there were some question form TCP and UDP. Ike difference why TCP not UDP.   What is three hand shaking etc?
13.   Then he wrote a program and asked some question from it.

Int * sum (a, b)
Int *p, c;
c = a+b;
*p =  &c;
Return p;
Int main ()
Int *p;
P= sum(5,3);
Printf(“%d ”,*p);

In case of multithreading what issue will be, How you will resolve it .
14.   Have you worked on OSPF, what is difference in OSPF and BGP.
15.   How network prefixes match in routing table.
16.                   Router A
         |              |                       |
    Router B          router c              Router D

Network LSA ----------- How many n/w
Router LSA -------------- How many LSA

Managerial Round

1.       Introduce yourself.
2.       About the technical round, how it was.
3.       About the project (academic and current )
4.       About offered role and responsibility.
5.       Rate yourself in c.
6.       Some question from function pointer.
7.       About OSPF.
8.       Why you join us. Reason
9.       So for how many lines of code u have done.
10.   Do you have any questions?

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